January 6, 2024

How to Respond to a 5-star Review (With Reply Examples)

How to Respond to a 5-star Review (With Reply Examples)

Customer satisfaction drives repeat business, encourages word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing, and reduces customer churn. In short, customer satisfaction and positive reviews are essential to a healthy business with good brand reputation.

Maybe that’s why, according to Zendesk, a whopping four out of five companies—80% of those surveyed—are “planning to increase their level of investment in CX (customer experience)” as of 2023. With almost 90% of consumers saying that a better CX would cause them to switch brands, it’s easy to grasp the financial benefits of providing excellent customer service and putting the customer first.

There are almost endless strategies for improving the CX and keeping your customers happy, but one of the best (and most cost-efficient) is frequently overlooked: responding to positive reviews of your business on review sites like Yelp and Google My Business (GMB).

There are numerous reasons why businesses fail to respond to 5-star reviews, from lacking the time to reply to fixating only on negative ratings. Other barriers can include technological issues, simply not knowing what to say, or failing to monitor apps and sites where reviews are shared. But no matter what the reason is, failing to respond can hurt your relationships with customers.

Don’t let these types of challenges hold your business back from growing and attracting potential customers. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about responding to 5-star reviews, including tips for writing better responses, screenshots of real-life response examples, and answers to some FAQs. Let’s get started with six best practices for replying to positive customer feedback.

How to respond to a 5-star review: 6 short tips

Responding to online reviews is both simpler and more complex than it might seem on the surface.

On one hand, all you need to do is greet and thank the reviewer, then invite them to return in the future with a discount or coupon code.

On the other hand, even if you stick to those basics, it’s easy to make minor missteps that can turn off customers—not to mention the countless people browsing positive and negative reviews of your brand. For example, a business might wait too long to reply, use the wrong kind of language in their reply, or leave out minor touches and details that would have enhanced the response’s impact.

Fortunately, with a little bit of knowledge and practice, you can avoid these types of mistakes and learn how to write responses that impress your customers, promote brand loyalty, and make favorable impressions on shoppers who are researching your product or service. Below, we’ve shared six simple tips for responding to 5-star reviews successfully.

1. Greet and thank the reviewer

When responding to a 5-star review, start by greeting and thanking the reviewer. It’s important to personalize your greeting by using the reviewer’s name (or, if that’s not available, the username they’ve provided you with) — for example, “Thanks for leaving a comment about your experience dining with us, [Reviewer’s Name]!”

 If the reviewer has not provided a name or username or is listed as anonymous, simply omit it. In that situation, you can simply say something like, “Thank you for sharing your kind words with our team!”

2. Personalize your response  

Out of all the tips on our list, this one might be the most important when replying to a positive review. After all, statistics show that:

●  “80% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company that offers a personalized experience,” according to Zippia

●  Roughly three-quarters of consumers become “frustrated” by experiences that are not personalized, according to McKinsey

In short, personalization matters.

The good news is that there are numerous ways you can personalize a review — even when you’re replying to a 5-star rating without any comments. All you need to do is reference a few details from the review, and, rather than copy and pasting, be sure to mix up the language you use in each of your responses.

Here are a few techniques you can use to customize every reply you write:

●  Refer back to a staff member (“We’re so glad that [Staff Member] was able to…”)

●  Refer back to the customer’s purchase (“ Thank you for such a positive review. We’re thrilled to hear you enjoyed your burger and fries!”)

●  Refer to your business name or location

3. Keep it short and professional

Some reviewers type multiple paragraphs, while others say just a word or two — and some say nothing at all. Regardless of how long or how short a review might be, don’t feel obligated to match the review length with your response.

The ideal length for a response is typically three to five sentences. That gives you enough time to greet and thank the reviewer, touch on a few details from their review, and close out with a call to action, like inviting the reviewer to come back soon.

4. Reply as quickly as possible

We live in a fast-paced world, and technology is making it even faster. Consumers have expectations to match — and businesses who fail to meet them risk losing out to competitors. Data shows that most consumers prefer businesses to reply to reviews and comments quickly, especially as the rise of AI is making response times faster.

When you’re responding to reviews, you need to be quick and reply as soon as possible, especially when a negative review shows up. The best time frame to respond is within 24 hours — or ideally much earlier.

That’s why our platform emphasizes speed as well as quality, ensuring that your customers receive responses promptly. Learn more about our AI- and people-powered plans to compare speed, pricing, and more.

5. Consider using keywords and brand mentions

When you’re responding to a satisfied customer, it’s a good opportunity to work in mentions of your business name or other keywords — for example, mentioning a product you offer or the town where you’re located.

Two quick words of caution for applying this tip successfully:

●  Don’t overuse or “stuff” keywords in a way that sounds unnatural or forced

●  This tip is best used when responding to positive reviews, like 5-star ratings

●  If you need help identifying keywords, check out Semrush’s excellent breakdown of keyword analysis and its importance for small businesses

6. Encourage repeat business and sharing 

According to HubSpot, “There is a 60 to 70% chance of selling to an existing customer. Meanwhile, when it comes to new customers, the chance of closing a sale stands at just 5 to 20%.” And that’s just one of many statistics that highlight the importance of customer loyalty and retention.

One of the goals of responding to reviews is to invite more repeat business, along with increasing your WOM marketing. Here are a few examples of ways that you can encourage satisfied customers to stay connected with your business and spread the word about your brand:

●  “We’re looking forward to serving you and your family again soon, [Reviewer Name]!”

●  “Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team if you have any questions about your new [product]!”

●  “Feel free to contact us online or drop by our office if there’s anything we can do to make your experience with [Business Name] even better!”

How to respond to a 5-Star review: 3 examples you can use

Curious to see how the best practices we covered in the previous section are put into action by businesses like yours?

Here are three positive review response examples of real businesses responding to 5-star customer reviews, including a quick breakdown of what makes each response effective.


an example of a 5 star review for a restaurant
an example of a response to a five star review for a restaurant

The owner could have simply greeted and thanked the reviewer, then invited them back for another meal — but that wouldn’t have been the most effective approach. Instead, the response is optimized and improved by the addition of personal touches.

The response not only features multiple personalization points, like the references to the location and menu — in addition, it also emphasizes one of the business’ positive values, in this case “providing an excellent customer experience” for diners.

Combined with its friendliness, brevity, and professionalism — not to mention keywords like “Orlando” and “margaritas” — this response is a perfect example of how to handle 5-star reviews.

Home services 


an example of a review and a response to a 5 star review in the home service industry

This positive review response example from a California plumbing company to a satisfied customer works for multiple reasons. Yes, it nails the basics like courtesy and personalization — but where it really shines is in its handling of tricky details that could potentially scare off shoppers, like high up-front pricing. The response shows that the business respects its customers enough to be transparent with them, while simultaneously emphasizing its commitment to delivering the best possible overall value.


an example of a a 5 star review and a response in the automotive industry

This response does an outstanding job of taking a negative sentiment (“not a fan of sales people”) and using it as an opportunity to say something positive that puts shoppers at ease. It reassures not just the reviewer, but anyone reading the exchange, that they won’t have to worry about a pushy or aggressive sales experience with this business.

Other highlights of this response include:

●  Referencing the brand name and business location

●  Inviting the customer to return to the business and/or get in touch with customer support (“always here for you”)

●  Talking about the brand’s values, like “build[ing] genuine relationships” and “transform[ing] the vehicle-buying experience” 

●  The congratulations and wishes for safe travels, which adds a warm personal touch while still maintaining a professional voice

How to respond to a 5-star review with ResponseScribe

how to respond to a 5-star review with responsescribe

The tips we shared in this guide will help you write effective review responses to positive customer reviews that:

●  Engage and educate customers and prospects

●  Strengthen consumers’ loyalty to your brand

●  Encourage undecided shoppers to try out your product or service

●  Show that your team is accessible, helpful, and supportive to its customers

The question is, why spend all of that time and effort replying to thousands of reviews and ratings, when you could let our experienced scribes take on the writing for you?

The way it works is simple. First, choose which review apps and websites you’d like us to monitor, such as Google, Facebook, and Angi. Our platform will automatically pull all of your reviews into a convenient, centralized hub where your dedicated Response Scribe can sort reviews and create customized replies.

 You can preview replies and request revisions before publication, or take a more hands-off approach — whatever works best for your team. And with flexible pricing plans starting at just $20 per month, ResponseScribe is affordable for any small business or start-up.

responsescribe pricing plan

Learn more about the benefits of ResponseScribe and how our platform can help your business grow. Explore why our platform is premium to best review software, or start your free trial today.

Improve CX and drive growth with ResponseScribe for small businesses

Responding to 5-star reviews is a great way to strengthen customer relationships and deliver a better, more personal CX. Responding to reviews encourages repeat business, helps instill trust in your brand, and gives you opportunities to highlight what makes your brand special. ResponseScribe makes it fast and easy by monitoring and responding to reviews for you.

 Designed to make responding to your customers truly effortless, our platform gives you the flexibility to leverage AI response generators, experienced professional writers, or a combination of both.  Depending on which plan you choose, your reviewers will receive responses in as little as under one hour — and with options to preview and edit responses, you’ll always have full control over what type of content gets published.

Discover why thousands of brands trust ResponseScribe to manage and monitor customer reviews. Chat with our team about your business’ needs, or  start your free trial.

responsescribe interface

Frequently asked questions

What do you reply to a 5-star review?
How do you respond to an excellent review?
Should you thank customers when they give a 5-star review?
How do you thank someone for good feedback?
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